The cli is the entrypoint to the compiler, and collects all of the compilation options. Most notably, it creates a list of entrypoints, paths to top-level modules (the main module, the standard library, and any third-party libraries).
The loader then takes this list of entrypoints and queries the file system for their contents. It invokes the parser (which in turn invokes the lexer) to parse the file into an AST. The loader then finds any files included in this AST, and recursively loads them. Once this process is complete, the loader returns an AST node representing the entire compilation unit.
The resolver then takes the AST and uses it to build a module graph. The
nodes of the module graph are called definitions. Definitions can have
different kinds of bindings, usually represented as AST nodes (taken out of
the original compilation unit AST). For example, an fn
item will have a value
binding, and the parameters and body of the function will be represented as AST
nodes. The resolver also disambiguates certain AST nodes, e.g. differentiating
local variables from constants.
The checker then passes over the module graph and checks the types and forms of all expressions. It also disambiguates AST nodes based on the inferred types and forms; e.g. desugaring method calls and inserting explicit coercions.
The distiller then takes every value binding and distills the AST into Vine Intermediate Representation. VIR is much simpler than the AST; compound expressions are distilled into sequential, atomic steps, and high-level control-flow constructs are distilled into a Stacked Flow Graph.
The normalizer then transforms the VIR to remove all of the divergence.
The analyzer then performs various analyses on the VIR, including reachability analysis, and dataflow analysis (determining which locals are used by which stages, and how).
The emitter then converts the VIR into a collection of Ivy nets.