
Extrinsics are how programs running in the IVM interact with the outside world.

An extrinsic value is a nilary agent that represents an external entity. They are opaque to the interaction net, and can only be manipulated and queried via extrinsic functions and extrinsic branches.

An extrinsic function is an agent that represents an external operation. They operate solely on extrinsic values, and return only extrinsic values. Extrinsic functions may have side effects. Extrinsic functions are the only way for the interaction net to manipulate extrinsic values.

An extrinsic branch is a ternary agent that represents a boolean query on an external entity. They query a single extrinsic value, and select one of two branches. Extrinsic branches are the only way for the interaction net to inspect extrinsic values.

Currently, there is a fixed set of extrinsics built-in to IVM. In the future, they will be extensible (#54).

Extrinsic Value Types


An N32 extrinsic value represents a 32-bit natural number. They can be written as integer literals in Ivy programs.

Vine's N32, Char, and Bool types are all represented by N32 extrinsic values.


An F32 extrinsic value represents a 32-bit floating-point number. They can be written as float literals in Ivy programs.


An IO extrinsic value represents an IO handle, and can be used to perform IO. IO values cannot be written in Ivy programs. When an Ivy program is run, the ::main net is connected to an IO value. This is the only way to obtain an IO value.

Extrinsic Functions

General Arithmetic

The @add/@sub/@mul/@div/@rem extrinsic functions perform arithmetic on N32 or F32 values. They input two values and output one. If both inputs are N32s, the output will be an N32; otherwise, the output is an F32.


The @eq/@ne/@lt/@le extrinsic functions take two N32 or two F32 values and return an N32 value representing the result of the comparison (1 for true, and 0 for false).

Specialized Arithmetic

The @n32_shl/@n32_shr/@n32_rotl/@n32_rotr/@n32_and/@n32_or/@n32_xor extrinsic functions take two N32 values, perform a bitwise operation, and output an N32 value.

The @n32_add_high/@n32_mul_high extrinsic functions return the 32 most-significant bits of the 64-bit result of an operation on two N32 values.


The @io_print_char extrinsic functions takes an IO value and an N32 value representing a Unicode scalar value, prints the character to stdout, and returns an IO value.

The @io_print_byte extrinsic function takes an IO value and an N32 value, prints the least-significant byte to stdout, and returns an IO value.

The @io_flush extrinsic function takes an IO value and an N32 value, flushes stdout, discards the N32, and returns an IO value.

The @io_read_byte extrinsic function takes an IO value and an N32 value, reads a byte from stdin, and returns that byte as an N32, or the N32 parameter if no byte could be read.

The @seq extrinsic function takes two extrinsic values and returns the first. It is useful for sequentializing side effects from other extrinsic functions.